Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Judson's Christmas Letter 2012

Merry Christmas!  My name is Judson.  Since Mama and Dada are dragging their feet on this whole “Christmas Letter” thing I decided that I would help out this year.  I mean, c'mon, they've never even blogged before, this Christmas letter thing is easy!

Let me start by telling you about my brother Base.  He goes to preschool and absolutely loves it.  One thing I notice about my brother is that he starts talking as soon as he wakes up and doesn’t stop until he goes to sleep.  He loves to play with our Daddy.   The minute Dada comes home from work Blaise always says to Daddy, “Lets play something!”   Blaise played soccer in the spring, and learned how to swim without floaties on our trip to Florida in the Spring.  He is learning to read, play the piano and is in skating lessons.  (Blaise – 4)

My sister Cowo started Kindergarten in the Fall and she already knows all her Sight Words that are required for the end of the school year.  I love squealing when she comes home from school on the bus and I run to her!  She is my best big sis because she is the one who gets me out of my crib in the morning (Mama tends to leave me in there a long time and is always saying she “needs a break from me!”)  I also love Cowo because she gives me lots of candy.  Mama is giving Cowo piano lessons; she is doing great memorizing her Bible verses in Awana Sparks and sure is excelling at swimming lessons.  She is also in skating lessons.  Here, she wants to write something:
I   like    scuwl    so   so      much         ilike     my        frenz      so       much.  Blaise       like      scuwl.  Too.    (Coral - 5)

In June my Nana and Papa from Michigan came to help my Mama because her belly was getting really big and she was tired all the time.  They stayed for awhile and then took my brother and sister (we call them the Bigs) back to Michigan with them.  Then my Mama and Dada disappeared for a few days. Grammy, Aunties MoMo and Rachelle and Cousin Asher came from Minnesota to take care of me.  Mama and Daddy came home with a special present—a new baby!  I call her Llllah (other people call her Selah Mae).  I don’t know much about babies but she sure is cute!  She’s bigger now.  Lllah rolls over, scoots off her floor quilt and has a big bobble-head smile for anyone who smiles at her.  Mama always says how sweet she is and talks about her being “just the best baby!”  I think Daddy loves having a sweet baby girl to dote on again.
Well, anyway, I’m getting ahead of myself.  So Mama said that Lllah’s birth was her best delivery and recovery yet.  She felt so great that when my baby sister was 5 days old we drove 10 hours to Michigan to vacation for a week and to pick up my brother and sister.  We swung by Grammy and Grampy’s in Minneapolis to introduce my new sister to them on the way home too.  (Selah)

We had a week together adjusting to our new family of 6.  My mom kept saying that 4 kids sure was “CONSTANT” and she was really happy when Dada came home.  Our time of adjustment didn’t last long though because 3 weeks after my baby sister was born my daddy got sick.  He found a lump and 3 days later he went in for surgery and they told my Mama that it was cancer.  The Surgeon was able to remove it all.  Us kids, we didn’t really understand all that was going on but Mama and Dada talked about God being in control and I think they grew really close to Him and each other during this trying time.  We couldn’t play with Dada for a few weeks cuz of his “owie”.  Dada says he is a little lighter on the left side- I don’t really know what that means.
After Dada got better we snuck in one more trip to MN to visit his family and go to the MN State Fair.  Dada had to undergo one dose of “mild chemo” in early September.  The doctors told us it ‘wouldn’t be too bad’ but my poor, poor Dada, he was REALLY sick.  I mean REALLY sick.  But once again the Lord carried us through that trial and now Dada is all better.  Daddy’s doctor says his cancer is 96% cured!  Praise the Lord!  We celebrated by going on a trip of a lifetime: a Disney Cruise!  He is back to playing basketball, teaching the big kids at Awana and leading the worship team at church.  He plays the guitar and sings.  He is still fixing teeth because people eat too much candy and don’t brush well.   At work people call him CAPTAIN Moberg.  (Matthew)

Before the cold North Dakota weather blew in, Mama used to load me and my sister in the jogging stroller and the Bigs would bike along side us while she ran.  She still swims with her Triathalon Training friends.  Mama goes to Bible Study here on base when we are all healthy (we’ve had quite the bunch of ‘bugs’ this fall). Before Lllah was born my Mama used to play piano on the worship team with my Dada but she has ‘retired’ lately.   I’m happy that she is not playing because when we are at church and I see her at the piano and not with me—I get very upset.  She is the substitute piano player and I bet she will play again when I get a little older.  My Mama is always trying to clean but I don’t really understand why because I like it messy! She doesn’t like all the DVD’s out of their cases or all my books on the floor or the plastic cups dumped all over the kitchen but I sure do!   (Camille)

As for me, I’m turning terrific TWO in March.  I’m learning to talk - new words everyday.  It’s my duty to close the dishwasher door and make sure all the Christmas ornaments are brought to Mama.   I like to climb on the table, pull out all the outlet covers, play in the toilet, and try out everyone’s toothbrush.  My Mama and Dada keep telling me “No Fuss’!”  I’m not sure what the means, though.  Hopefully I figure it out soon.  I think that would make my Mama and Dada very happy cuz they sure say those words a lot to me.  My Mama sometimes calls me “Trouble” but I think my Papa most accurately has me named, “FTJ”  for Full Time Job.  (Too bad for my Mama though—cuz she still has 3 other kids).  Even though my Mama calls me a “little rascal” she then proceeds to pelt me with kisses so I think she (and everyone else) thinks I am super cute! My smile and charms seem to get me out of a lot of trouble.
Lastly, I just wanted to remind you of my most favoritest part of Christmas.  Baby Jesus!  I like to carry my little play Jesus and manger all around the house.  We talk about the birth of our Savior, the Lord Jesus, and pray that you remember him too this Christmas season.  

My family sends their love along with me,

P.S.  My family wants to thank all of you for your prayers, messages, cards, gifts, cookies, encouragement and support during my Daddy’s sickness.
P.P.S.  Sorry this is so long.  Its been a big year and I guess it takes a lot of time to write about 6 people.  


  1. That was super cute! I hope hubby is feeling better. XO

  2. Super cute christmas letter!!! Im glad you all are happy and healthy :-) take care and Merry Christmas!

  3. Wow. What a journey the Lord has taken you on since you left CO. We have prayed for you all and are so thankful that Matt is doing well! What beautiful children... We miss you!
    -Aundrea for the Waltz's

  4. hi blazie it' ayden i found thi on the web
